Tuesday, 20 January 2015


In class we presented our film animatic's that were watched and then evaluated by other groups to give us vital feedback in how we could improve our animatic making it a higher quality level of work.

We were given advice on the camera shots we used, editing, sound and also the overall storyline seeing whether or not it was a good pace and understandable.

Feedback from the camera shots was positive with people commenting that we have a wide range which we were hoping would add pace and interest to our title sequence.

The evaluation of our storyline seemed again positive with accurate interpretations of what was happening in the animatic such as the visiting of the crime scene and the investigating of the previous cases.

Editing was suggested to be shortened between some transitions as it was pointed out that some were to long making the animatic lose pace and interest. However the way in which characters are introduced was positively commented which supported our initial idea of having silhouettes which was an unsure idea previous to the animatic.

Lastly, sound was commented on to build suspense and also helped to support the storyline. Although some said the opening sound which was correlating with the blackout was extended to much making the suspense fade therefor this needs to be shortened in order to keep the audience engaged and the opening intense.

Overall I was impressed with how the opening of our title sequence was developed in the animatic as it gave me a clear ide of what to expect from our actual opening. All the shots were carefully constructed and well drawn with the score being well matched to our animatic. What I will consider changing in future sue to the feedback suggested is the speed of the transitions helping to keep pace.  

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